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Africa is a shithole?

Why do we want people from Africa or Haiti here? Here being the United States. This is the question the Commander in Chief of the world’s “Greatest Nation” proposed Thursday during an official White House meeting about Immigration Reform. How common is this sentiment towards African nations and what can we all do to change this depiction? How  can we  #RebrandAfrica ? The answer is nuanced but here are 4 ways to start:


There is a huge disconnect between the western world in relation to African facts. African history and geography are not required curriculum in the United States public school system. Most people mistakenly refer to Africa as a country, when it is the 2nd largest continent.

As community members we can openly share our knowledge. For example, implement African culture events targeting audiences that are  less informed.

It is up to us as individuals to actively learn more about other countries. Like choosing an African country of the week and discuss what you learned with family and friends. Get the kids involved and gift them cool African books.

 Topic suggestions: 

Culture,  Arts,  Music,  Food,  African leaders, Great African Civilizations

Invest in Africa

Only 4.8% of immigrants in the U.S are from Africa, 2.1 million to be exact. That is a drop in the bucket in comparison to the 326 million U.S populace. If you are an African expat then obviously you have an innate duty to apply your skills to your homeland. What about the population of people that are travelers to Africa, enthusiast, and diasporans?  How can you help?

You do not need Jeff Bezos  pockets to make an investment into a country. Investments can come in several forms. Time is your biggest asset. Honorable mentions are your talents and professional skills.  

Childbirth Survival International

 Childbirth Survival International 

We all have the moral duty of being problem solvers and not just complainers. The entire world has a hole filled with problems. Apply your expertise by starting a business or organization that is solving a real need within an African community. Get a job or volunteer with a non-profit or African based business.

Counsenuth NGO at Nane Nane (Farmers Day)

Cousenuth 2017, Nane Nane (Farmers Day)

Travel to Africa (Go see for yourself)

Seeing is believing. Stop procrastinating and make this the year you commit to traveling to Africa. Tomorrow is not guaranteed #YOLO

Dar es Salaam, Tanzania

Want some help with where to start?

Royalcations will be opening up bookings soon for the October 10th trip to Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. Highlights: Elephant Beach, Boat Safari, Island Excursions, Oyster Bay and more! Limited Availability. Reserve your space now or sign up for the newsletters to stay in the loop about new African locations.

Share  your experiences

Want to be a part of the #RebrandAfrica movement? Tell your narrative and African experience. Bombard the internet with your beautiful pics and videos of Africa from your eyes using #TheRealAfrica

Disclaimer: Royalcations does not support the derogatory rhetoric  and anti-immigrant sentiments of President Trump. This is call-to-action for our community.

Share your thoughts with us  @Royalcations or wherever you see fit.  


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