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Female African Warriors: Dora Milaje

Photo Courtesy of Marvel Comics- The Dora Milaje Warriors

Ok, I know it wasn't just me that was enthralled once the Dora Milaje made their sultry appearance on the scene of Black Panther. It was refreshing to finally see an egalitarian aspect on the superhero battlefield. Yes they were an all woman army, yes they were sexy, and yes they were powerful. I’m almost tempted to go shave my head...Almost! Instead I’d rather tell you the facts.

The Dora Milaje were based on a #RealAfrica narrative. Woman combatants and all female armies are rampant throughout African history. It’s just not a topic highlighted in history courses outside of the African continent. The Dahomey Kingdom, from the Benin region, had a female army of thousands. Their reign, of over 200 yrs, was the longest and most ferocious documented. Other notable African Woman Warriors:

Amina of Zazzau - Hausa Warrior Queen (portrayed as Xena)

Yaa Asantewaa- Ashanti Queen Mother

Bazao Turunku

Nupe (Isadshi-Koseshi)

Nandi (Mother of Shaka Zulu)


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